It's Sunday.. it's been four days since my last post, even though I told myself I wouldn't let that much time go by. To be fair, I've got two other projects going on... Bad Juggler!
Anyway, the week has flown by once again. I've got a great story in the works, and it's definitely another romance. I couldn't say for sure what's pulled me in to this genre, but it's definitely a fun genre to write. We live in a world where love isn't forever and, in a lot of case, is never unconditional. People, in general, are getting more cynical and treating other people horribly simple because they've found a way to dance the line between 'moral' and 'legal'. The world is exhausting when you stand back and look at it; I've caught myself staring in horror more often than not lately. Why not read or write a story where love can still conquer all, where a guy wouldn't even think of cheating on you, and where the right guy is readily available and easily found for the purpose of making your heart flutter and your toes curl? Romance is essential. It's Oxygen. It may only exist in tiny increments in remote areas of the world, but it's there - isn't it?
I'm beyond excited for the release of Kirby - it's about two weeks away! It's definitely got me motivated to get another book out there, and I'm beginning to write another that I wouldn't mind seeing attached to the Crimson Romance imprint! In the meantime, Kirby will be available soon, and it's already got a great review on Goodreads! You can check it out at this link (, or just read it here:
"This is one of the best contemporary romances I’ve ever read. I was hooked from page one—the storyline revolving around the heroine, Rachel, seeking a job in the publishing industry one I found extremely interesting—but then Ms. Anne threw in her twist: Rachel’s alter-ego, Kirby, the sex-line operator.
Ms. Anne’s voice was cute and quirky without being vapid, which can be an unfortunate by-product of contemporary romance. Rachel’s interactions with the other characters showed off her personality in the best light, leaving the reader with the feeling that Rachel was a friend. And don’t even get me started on Joe, the hunky 6’5” dreamcicle from Michigan with his aw-shucks manners and kissing prowess.
This book is surprisingly sweet in the heat level for having a heroine who is a sex-line operator. I can’t help but wish I got to see how amazing Joe is in the bedroom, but in the end, I guess it makes sense that only Rachel is privy to that information. Joe’s just old-fashioned like that." - Micah Persell,
...I'd just like to say, for the record, that I was absolutely tickled by the brief description of Joe in this review. "The hunky 6'5" dreamcicle from Michigan with his aw-shucks manners and kissing prowess" - yes, honey - love it!
On that note, I'm going to head out so that I can get my word count up today - may all your dreams be filled with hunky dreamcicles! ;)
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