Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Blog Overdue

Hi hi!

So, yeah - I've definitely been away for awhile - I didn't mean to, honest! The last few weeks haven't been tremendously overwhelming, but they were busy enough to keep me completely distracted. I didn't expect to be away so long! But I'm back, and ready to share. :)

I've been sick, busy, and inspired - all in the span of about a month. I've also been stressed to tears and relaxed far beyond what I expected to be at this point in the year. But the last few weeks have been great; they may even be setting up an amazing fall/winter! All I can do is write, push, and keep my fingers crossed!
Inspiration arrived when I decided to hop a plane to Dallas, Texas for the weekend. I went there with minimal purpose and ended up having an amazing time - the fact that I bumped my word count up by a couple thousand words didn't hurt, either! We landed at Dallas/Fort Worth on a Friday morning, and headed straight for the hotel. The skies were blue and the air somehow managed to be crisp, despite the fact that it was about 90 degrees! 

Downtown Dallas - beautiful skyline!
We arrived to the hotel with our tummies rumbling, so we headed to a diner right next to where we were staying. I ordered the most amazing chicken fried steak with country gravy; between that and the biscuits and peaches on the side, I must've gained ten pounds on day one alone! But yum - so worth it. I regret nothing... (smile)

The temperatures stayed in the 90's, but the humidity was lower than I can ever remember feeling before. Keep in mind, my adventuring days only really began about five years ago... I'm sure I'll get to experience more weather just like this, but it blew my mind to walk outside and not have my curls frizz up and stand out as if I'd just stuck my finger in an electrical outlet. I swam, I explored malls, ate some amazing barbecue - and topped it all off with late night glasses of wine at the hotel's bar. I didn't get much sleep, but I didn't need it. I spent weeks before this at the end of my proverbial rope, struggling through severe writer's block and working myself exhausted. Who knew that Dallas was exactly what I needed? Not this girl.     

True BBQ - so many noms!
What came out of this trip, as expensive as it ended up being? (Yes, expensive - I can't control myself around souvenirs and candy shops) First, the relaxation - I unwound in a way that I haven't had time to in years. Second, the socialization - I can say without a shadow of doubt that you will meet some interesting people in Texas! (Including future franchisees that will consider you their best friend if you sing them a chorus of 'This Little Light of Mine'...true story!) Third, my writing soared - I managed to bang out just over 2,500 words over the two evenings I set aside for writing time. I came back from Dallas happy, rested, and back on track to finish my next book before the summer ends. 

Writers, I say to you - if you have the means to take a long solo weekend to write, do it. Writer's retreats are an amazing way to share the experience with writer buds from all over the world, but having the time to write and let the creative juices flow without distraction (and I am easily distracted) is a beautiful thing. In fact, I'm planning another weekend around my birthday, closer to home so that I won't break the bank while enjoying a little 'me' time! 

Working to fulfill my dreams is great - but I mustn't forget to enjoy life! Same goes for all of you! With any luck I'll be finishing my next book soon, and I'll be able to spend my birthday celebrating more than one milestone. Until next time, stay creative!


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